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Dartmoor E-Thunderbird_Motyka

Marcin Motyka has won 🏆 the EDR edition at The Aletsch Arena in Switzerland! 💪

Marcin Motyka is a beast...   You already know that if you race bikes in Eastern Europe.    Switching between E-Thunderbird, Thunderbird CF, and Rocbird - this dude is one ...

Dartmoor Bikes Destinations: Koprivna!

Dartmoor Destinations: Koprivna   Dartmoor Destinations is all about trails, bikeparks, and riding spots worth traveling to! Our riders pick their favorite locations to ride bikes in Europe...

Dartmoor Bikes Destinations: Livigno!

Dartmoor Destinations: Livigno   Dartmoor Destinations is all about trails, bikeparks, and riding spots worth traveling to! Our riders pick their favorite locations to ride bikes in Euro...