

New Primals in action

Polish Dartmoor Enduro Team riders - Jakub Gąsienica and Marcin Karpęcki testing this time our new bikes - Primal Pro 27.5 and Primal Evo 27.5, perfect hardtails for trail and enduro.

Blackbird - One day in El Chorro

When the snow covers most of Europe and bikers are counting down the days to spring, there is a place where you can ride your bike also in the winter. This is the south coast of Spain, full of breatht...

David Godziek is back on MTB!

As you probably remember David Godziek​ was our team rider for several years. He trained with his elder brother at their well known family backyard in Suszec. After few years on 24 wheels he decided t...

Trails in Malaga

Our team riders and product designers and developers - Piotr Krajewski, Jan Kiliński and Aleksander Wieczorkiewicz discovered beauty of trails around Malaga in Spain with their Blackbird and Bluebird ...

MTB girls are awesome

Natalia Budner and Magda Szczekutek ride fast their sea lemon Blackbirds


Winter Enduro

Polish Dartmoor Enduro Team riders - Jakub Gąsienica and Marcin Karpęcki shredding through the snowy trails in Tatry mountains.


Blackbird in Black Hills

Tomas Zejda went with his Blacbird to a famous Southern France location - The Black Hills


Piotr Krajewski riding Bluebird Pro 29

Our long time rider and MTB trainer Piotr Krajewski with his new Bluebird Pro 29



Simply #BehindTheBars


Janek and Olek looking for a spring

Jan Kiliński and Aleksander Wieczorkiewicz found this small paradise during their winter trip in Spain